About Us

The Pen Behind it All

The Pen Behind It All

Meet the Best Student Consultant in town.

Over the years, he has helped 2,500+ students get into their dream universities on fully-funded scholarships, including 100+ students in the IVY League or Russell Group Schools. 16 Chevening, 87 Fulbright, and 39 Commonwealth Scholars. 

Not to mention scores from others on non-bonded scholarships all over the world. He is ever humble, positively motivating, and very helpful. So what are you waiting for?

Mian Faizan
Signature Image


The Best Student Consultant in Town.

"Great men are forged in fire. It is the privilege of lesser men to light the flame"

Having 15 years of experience, we have sent more than 2,500 students abroad on scholarships.
This includes 87 Fulbright, 39 commonwealths, and 16 Chevening scholars, with 100+ students in IVY League or Russel Group Schools.
Team Online is unlike any student consultancy agency because we deal in scholarships and have no affiliations with any foreign university.
All our students have been sent abroad through proper channels based purely on merit. We at Team Online call ourselves the best student consultancy in town for a reason. 
Unlike all other agencies, because we deal in scholarships and have no affiliations with any foreign university, our top and only priority is the student.

Our students have been sent abroad through proper channels based on merit alone.
We are happy to help you navigate the application process and stand shoulder-to-shoulder with you the entire way but you will have to make the effort.

Team Online is a non-profit student consultancy. That means we will never refuse to help someone based on their ability to pay us. That is because its founder is not a student consultant by profession but rather a software engineer.

He just stumbled into student consulting while helping friends with their applications. One thing led to another, and before you knew it, 15 years had gone by, and we boasted more than 2,500 success stories, becoming the best student consultants in town.


Our mission and motto are unchanged. Unlike agents, we are not in this game for the money but for our straightforward and perhaps naïve belief that if just 10% of what our students promise to do in their personal statement essays is accomplished after their education, the face of this nation can change. We are on a mission, stoking the flames of change in the world one student at a time.

“Great men are forged in fire. It is the privilege of lesser men to light the flame.”

Kings of the industry

The industry is full of buffoons, baboons, and cheats. We are the defacto kings of this jungle as no one comes close.

Quick to the draw

We can quickly churn out an IVY League level statement in under 30 minutes without so much as breaking a sweat.

Exceptional Writer

While the word best is subjective Team Online has undisputedly written the most number of personal statements by far compared to anyone in Pakistan.