A story of Parda

Nobody wants a handout. Khuddari, Izzat, and Ghairat are traits in-built by default within us all. Still, every so often, there is a turn of events where Allah (SWT) deems it fit in his divine wisdom to force us to spread our hand to our fellow men. I cannot share any details beyond the fact that I have raised 35 thousand out of the 50 thousand required. The cause was a truly noble one. In fact, the best Team Online has ever done. Yet it shall remain undisclosed to protect the anonymity of those it was done for. A very well-off middle-class freelancer who, in a split second, was rendered handicapped and unable to work or function in any other meaningful way. This seemingly small amount will go a long way to ensuring he continues to have a monthly income for his recovery period. Inshallah, by the time this money runs out, he will be back on his feet again. We still need to raise 15 thousand more, so if anyone can help, please do. May Allah reward you for it.

Finally, all Team Online donors are eligible to a flat 20% discount on all services so naiki ki naiki bachat ki bachat. Donate your hearts out.

Good Day,
Team Online

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